Changing gears...

As evident from my lack of posting recently, I have struggled to keep up on my promise to post a picture everyday for my '365 project'.  While I haven't really stopped taking pictures everyday, I have slowed on my acceptance rate of what constitutes a solid artistic capture in my eye. Working long days for the 'day job' doesn't always lend itself to creativity and with an expected long summer of work it isn't likely to change anytime soon.  Coupled with too many mediocre iPhone camera shots as of late I've decided to approach this project from a slightly different angle. So from now on I'll be moving to a weekly posting of my favorite composition from the previous seven days.  Similar to my buddy Dave Defourneaux's year long project, I think this pace of photos will be a little easier for me to handle and hopefully produce some better photos for you to gander at.

So look for a new photo to be posted each Sunday starting tomorrow! For now, one last iPhone shot that I actually liked!