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Enjoyed a wonderful day of covering the Road 2 Victory Classic here in Boulder, which benefits the Davis Phinney Foundation.  It is always special to cover an event like this where everyone is so full of positive energy and good vibes.  The weather was perfect, the food tasty, and the post ride beer refreshing as always.  Check my website soon for full galleries of the ride!  A full 15% of all sales will go right back to the Foundation!

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Just got home from the all nighter back from Ecuador and we are simply exhausted.  After another fun couple of weeks trying to satisfy our wanderlust we are ready for some r+r back home.  I was hoping to do some light editing and posting while down south, but alas I forgot my mini-USB cable that would have connected my SLR to the iPad.  So, a bit late this week but I hope you enjoy this one.