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This week's shot is from my other side business, which is actually more of a hobby than anything else.  I build functional & creative lamps and other goodies made from recycled bike parts.  This is one of my latest creations, half of an old Rockshox Judy SL fork.  These smaller lamps are my favorite to create as the size and functionality is perfect for most spaces. I was working on an Etsy-worthy shot for marketing purposes and was fairly happy with the end result.  Nikon D300 w/ Sigma 18-50 f/2.8 lens at 33mm.  1/60 sec, f/2.8, ISO 500 with ambient light.

More info here at my website... www.treeline-designs.com

Or here at my Etsy store... www.etsy.com/shop/ecotreelinedesigns


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Disclaimer: this week's photo hasn't an ounce of technical nor artistic photographic merit.  Zip. Nada. Nothing.  It is however quite special in a different way.  You see, it is a capture of my very last commute to work for hopefully a very long time.  Beginning next week I am officially based back home in Denver with my airline.  No more commuting nearly 900 miles each week to Chicago and worrying if I'll make it to work or not.  Nor will there be anymore racing through the airport on my last day of a trip hoping to catch the last flight home to Denver.  From now on, I simply get to enjoy my 45 minute drive to work instead of my minimum 4 hour commute for the last 4 1/2 years.  Time to live the good life now and this photo captures well over 4 years of anticipation.  So perhaps it does have some merit in it somewhere, sometimes those small snapshots in our lives make for very memorable moments.  And memorable this one was. I can now welcome myself back home.